Lirik Lagu Do It - Selena Gomez
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Selena Gomez - Do It
Turning up the volume to my favorite song
Boy I can't lie
What we did last night
You know it's constantly replaying, staying on my mind
I'll show you want I like boy boy boy,
If you show me what you like boy boy boy,
I'll show you what I like,
Show you what I like like,
If you show me what you like boy
If I had choice
If I had my way
Boy you know we'd do it every single day
If I had a wish
And If I had my way
Boy you know we'd do it every single day
Wish I didn't feel so hypnotized,
But When I look at you baby it's justified,
So I take what I want,
And give what I got,
To help with all the rules that keep us civilized
I'll show you want I like boy boy boy,
If you show me what you like boy boy boy,
I'll show you what I like,
Show you what I like like,
If you show me what you like boy
If I had choice
If I had my way
Boy you know we'd do it every single day
If I had a wish
And If I had my way
Boy you know we'd do it every single day
No where I'd rather be
Than anywhere alone, just you and me
I'll be too gentle, you'll be my Clyde
We'll be together forever we'll ride
I want you more and more
You gotta take that and the day before
No lie, no lie, no lie, no lie
If I had choice
If I had my way
Boy you know we'd do it every single day
If I had a wish
And If I had my way
Boy you know we'd do it every single day
I'll show you want I like boy boy boy,
If you show me what you like boy boy boy,
I'll show you what I like,
Show you what I like like,
If you show me what you like boy.
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Lirik Lagu Do It - Selena Gomez
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Tag : Lirik Lagu Barat, Selena Gomez,