Traveller Lyrics - Chris Stapleton
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Traveller - Chris Stapleton
Everything changes like the desert wind
Here she comes and then she's gone again
I'm just a traveler on this earth
Sure as my heart's behind the pocket of my shirt
I'll just keep rolling till I'm in the dirt
'Cause I'm a traveler, oh, I'm a traveler
I couldn't tell you honey, I don't know
Where I'm going but I've got to go
'Cause every turn reveals some other road
And I'm a traveler, oh, I'm a traveler
My heartbeat's rhythm is a lonesome sound
Just like the rubber turning on the ground
Always lost and nowhere bound
I'm just a traveler on this earth
Sure as my heart's behind the pocket of my shirt
I'll just keep rolling till I'm in the dirt
'Cause I'm a traveler, oh, I'm a traveler
I couldn't tell you honey, I don't know
Where I'm going but I've got to go
'Cause every turn reveals some other road
And I'm a traveler, oh, I'm a traveler
When I'm gone
Somebody else will have to feel this wrong
Somebody else will have to sing this song
Somebody else will have to sing along
Sing along
I'm just a traveler on this earth
Sure as my heart's behind the pocket of my shirt
I'll just keep rolling till I'm in the dirt
'Cause I'm a traveler, oh, I'm a traveler
I couldn't tell you honey, I don't know
Where I'm going but I've got to go
'Cause every turn reveals some other road
And I'm a traveller, oh, I'm a traveller.
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Traveller Lyrics - Chris Stapleton
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Tag : Chris Stapleton, Lirik Lagu Barat,