Hands To Myself Lyrics - Selena Gomez
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Hands To Myself - Selena Gomez
No matter how hard I'm trying to
I want you all to myself
You're metaphorical gin and juice
So come on, give me a taste
Of what it's like to be next to you
Won't let one drop go to waste
You're metaphorical gin and juice
All of the downs and the uppers
Keep making love to each other
And I'm trying, trying, I'm trying, trying
All of the downs and the uppers
Keep making love to each other
And I'm trying, trying, I'm trying, but I
Can't keep my hands to myself
My hands to myself
Can't keep my hands to myself
My hands to myself
My doctor say you're no good
But people say what they wanna say
And you should know if I could
I'd breathe you in every single day
All of the downs and the uppers
Keep making love to each other
And I'm trying, trying, I'm trying, trying
All of the downs and the uppers
Keep making love to each other
And I'm trying, trying, I'm trying, but I
Can't keep my hands to myself
My hands to myself
Can't keep my hands to myself
My hands to myself
Can't keep my hands to myself
I want it all, no, nothing else
Can't keep my hands to myself
Give me your all and nothing else
Oh, I, I want it all
I want it all, I want it all
Can't keep my hands to myself
I mean I could, but why would I want to?
My hands to myself
Can't keep my hands to myself
My hands to myself
Can't keep my hands to myself
I want it all, no, nothing else
Can't keep my hands to myself
Give me your all and nothing else
Can't keep my hands to myself.
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Hands To Myself Lyrics - Selena Gomez
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Tag : Selena Gomez,