Towards The Sun Lyrics - Rihanna
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Towards The Sun - Rihanna
Turn your face towards the sun
Let the shadows fall behind you
Tell a pray, just carry on
And the shadows will never find you
Turn your face towards the sun
Let the shadows fall behind you
Tell a pray, just carry on
And the shadows will never find you
Lost in a rocky road
Got lost in the promise of a love I never know
Shadows chase me far from home
I remember when my heart was filled gold
And you knew I been here, I been burned, I been burned
You see me lose control
This my world, this our world, this our world
My soul
Turn your face towards the sun
Let the shadows fall behind you
Tell a pray, just carry on
And the shadows will never find you
Lost my faith in trust
You and I know gold long turn to rust
I still swear that we can ring like the kings and queens of better yesterday
Don't you know
I been here, I been burned, I been burned
You see me lose control
This my world, this our world, this our world
My soul
Turn your face towards the sun
Let the shadows fall behind you
Tell a pray, just carry on
And the shadows will never find you
We're gonna go
We're gonna go
We're gonna run to
Where you get to the end of the night
This time you'll face the sky
Turn your face towards the sun
Let the shadows fall behind you
Tell a pray, just carry on
And the shadows will never find you
Turn your face towards the sun
Let the shadows fall behind you
Tell a pray, just carry on
And the shadows will never find you.
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Towards The Sun Lyrics - Rihanna
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Tag : Lirik Lagu Barat, Rihanna,