Four Five Seconds (feat.Kanye West & Paul McCkartney) Lyrics - Rihanna
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Four Five Seconds Lyrics - Rihanna

[Verse 1: Rihanna]
I think I've had enough
I might get a little drunk
I say what's on my mind
I might do a little time
Cause all of my kindness
Is taken for weakness
[Hook: Rihanna]
Now I'm FourFiveSeconds from wildin'
And we got three more days 'til Friday
I'm just tryna make it back home by Monday mornin'
I swear I wish somebody would tell me
Ooh, that's all I want
[Verse 2: Kanye West]
Woke up an optimist
Sun was shinin', I'm positive
Then I heard you was talkin' trash
Hold me back, I'm 'bout to spaz
[Hook: Rihanna and Kanye]
[Bridge: Rihanna]
And I know that you're up tonight
Thinkin', "how could I be so selfish?"
But you called 'bout a thousand times
Wondering where I've been
Now I know that you're up tonight
Thinkin' "how could I be so reckless?"
But I just can't apologize
I hope you can understand
[Verse 3: Kanye West]
If I go to jail tonight
Promise you'll pay my bail
See they want to buy my pride
But that just ain't up for sale
See all of my kindness
Is taken for weakness
[Hook: Rihanna and Kanye West x2].
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Four Five Seconds (feat.Kanye West & Paul McCkartney) Lyrics - Rihanna
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Tag : Lirik Lagu Barat, Rihanna,