Lirik Lagu Something Big - Shawn Mendes
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Lirik Lagu Something Big - Shawn Mendes
Play the lotto you might win it
It's like 25 to life so you bust out of prison
Something's in the air
Something's in the air
It's like that feeling when you're just about to kill it
Take your last shot you know you're going to hit it
Something's in the air
Something's in the air
Woah Ohh
Something big I feel it happening
Out of my control
Pushing, pulling, and its grabbing me
Feel it in my bones
Ohh Woah Ooh
Ohh Woah Ooh
Ohh Woah Ooh
Something Big I feel it happening
Ohh Woah Ooh
Ohh Woah Ooh
Ohh Woah Ooh
Something Big
It's like that feeling when you're about to win the medal
And you worked so hard that you knew you wouldn't settle
Hands are in the air
Hands are in the air
When they hear you and you thought they wouldn't listen
It's like an anthem that the whole world's singin
Hands are in the air
Hands are in the air
Ohh Woah Ooh
Something big I feel it happening
Out of my control
Pushing, pulling, and its grabbing me
Feel it in my bones
Ohh Woah Ooh
Ohh Woah Ooh
Ohh Woah Ooh
Something Big I feel it happening
Ohh Woah Ooh
Ohh Woah Ooh
Ohh Woah Ooh
Something Big
Ohh Woah Ooh
Yeah Yeah
If we stomp our feet the ground will shake
If we clap our hands the walls will break
Yell so loud, won't forget our names
Cause something big is happening
Take this rock and start a fire
Raise this up we're feeling high
They can't tell us anything
Something big is happening
Something big I feel it happening
Out of my control
Pushing, pulling, and its grabbing me
Feel it in my bones
Ohh Woah Ooh
Ohh Woah Ooh
Ohh Woah Ooh
Something Big is happening Woah Ohh
Ohh Woah Ooh
Ohh Woah Ooh
Ohh Woah Ooh
Something big I feel it happening
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Lirik Lagu Something Big - Shawn Mendes
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