Lirik Lagu All My Love - Major Lazer Fear Ariana Grande
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Lirik Lagu All My Love - Major Lazer Fear Ariana Grande
Sometimes I think we're the brightest stars
And I try to believe we'll find a way
Will life change when our hearts turn colder?
All the rhythms in my heart lift me up inside
We can't stay out of trouble, is it worth the blame?
Is it true that the more you give, the more they take?
All the rhythms in my heart lift me up and say
All your love will make us ache
All your love is worth the chase
All my love, I know they'll let it find us
All my love's up on the mountain tops
All my love, all my love
All my love, up on the mountain top
All the rhythms in my heart lift me up and say
We're just a messed up, broken people
But we love the game
I would do anything for us
It's worth the pain
All the rhythms in my heart lift me up and say
All your love will make us ache
All your love is worth the chase
All my love, I know they'll let it find us
All my love's up on the mountain tops
All my love, all my love (yeah)
All my love up on the mountain top
All my love, all my love (yeah)
All my love up on the mountain top
You're always on my mind
All throughout the day
Day where we can fly
Reach the glory haze
High up in the sun and above the sky
Sun and above the sky
All your love will make us ache
All your love is worth the chase
All my love, I know they'll let it find us
All my love's up on the mountain tops
All my love, all my love (yeah)
All my love up on the mountain top
All my love, all my love (yeah)
All my love up on the mountain top
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Lirik Lagu All My Love - Major Lazer Fear Ariana Grande
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