Bathroom Sink Lyrics - Miranda Lambert
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Bathroom Sink - Miranda Lambert
Puttin' off the hard stuff
Hoping that it passes
Fake smile and eyelashes
I wash my hands
And try not to think
Or dirty up my bathroom sink
I'm at it again with mama
Everybody is so tired of the drama
We're still fighting like I'm sixteen
And I guess we always will be
She taught me how to pray and drink
And how to clean the bathroom sink
It's amazing the amount of rejection that I see
In my reflection and I can't get out of the way
I'm lookin' forward to the girl I wanna be
But regret has a way of starin' me right in the face
So I try not to waste too much time at the bathroom sink
It all gets complicated
Sometimes overrated
Glamour at its finest
Just means someone's hiding
From their own reality and the mirror at their bathroom sink
It's amazing the amount of rejection that I see
In my reflection but I can't get out of the way
I'm lookin' forward to the girl I wanna be
But regret has got a way of starin' me right in the face
So I try not to waste too much time at the bathroom sink
I pray as I get ready
For God to make me steady
And I thank him for his patience
And I take my medication
And bless this day and all it brings
And I clean up the bathroom sink.
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Bathroom Sink Lyrics - Miranda Lambert
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Tag : Lirik Lagu Barat, Miranda Lambert,