Lirik Lagu Crazy - Shawn Mendes
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Think I dont need a watch to tell the time
Think I dont need the sun to help me shine
Think I dont need a girl to be alright
Guess I didnt know
That I didnt need shoes on my feet
That I didnt need a bed to fall asleep
That I didnt need love to be complete
Guess I didnt know
That I just got this crazy feeling
Ive been making someone wait for me
For me
Youre all I think about when Im awake
A part of every night and every day
And everythings a mess when youre away
Now I know
All of this is getting really old
Im having trouble sleeping on my own
Feeling like a house but not a home
I want you to know
That I just got this crazy feeling
Ive been making someone wait for me
For me
Guess I need a watch to tell the time
Guess I need the sun to help me shine
I really need you in my life
Now I know
That you give me this crazy feeling
You wont have to win no more for me
For me
And I just got this crazy feeling
Ive been making someone wait for me
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Lirik Lagu Crazy - Shawn Mendes
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