Lirik Lagu Buy Me a Boat - Chris Janson
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I ain't rich, but I damn sure wanna be
workin' like a dog all day ain't workin for me
I wish I had a rich uncle that'd kick the bucket
an' I was sittin' on a pile like Warren Buffet
I know everybody says money can't buy happiness
but it can buy me a boat
and it can buy me a truck to pull it
It can buy me a yeti 110
iced down with some silver bullets
Yeah I know what they say
money can't buy everything
well maybe so.
But it can buy me a boat.
They call me redneck
White trash
And blue collar.
But I could change all that if I had
A couple million dollars.
I keep hearing that money is the root of all evil
and you can't fit a camel through the eye of a needle
And I'm sure that's probably true
but it still sounds pretty cool.
Cuz it could buy me a boat.
And it could buy me a truck to pull it.
And it could buy me a yeti 110
iced down with some silver bullets.
Yeah and I know what they say
money can't buy everything.
Well maybe so.
But it can buy me a boat.
To float.
Down on the water.
With a beer.
I hear
the powerball lotto is sitting on a
hundred million.
Well that'll buy me a brand new rod and reel.
And it could buy me a boat
it could buy me a truck to pull it.
It could buy me a yeti 110
iced down with some silver bullets.
Yeah and I know what they say
money can't buy everything.
Well maybe so.
But it could buy me a boat.
Yeah and I know what they say
Money can't buy everything.
Well maybe so
But it could buy me a boat.
It could buy me a boat.
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Lirik Lagu Buy Me a Boat - Chris Janson
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