Lirik Lagu Be Together - Major Lazer Feat Wild Belle
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Let me escape in your arms
Baby I'm yours, baby I'm yours
Love don't come easy at all
I miss you so much, I miss you so much
Tell me is this freedom, baby?
Chasing after danger, making my heart race, woah
Maybe if the stars align, maybe if our worlds collide
Maybe on the dark side we can be together, be together
Maybe in a million miles, on the highway through the skies
Someday soon we'll be together
He was a dreamer at heart
Chasing the stars, chasing the stars
Wings spread to the sun
I miss you so much, I miss you so much
Tell me is this freedom, baby?
Chasing after danger, making my heart break, woah
Maybe if the stars align, maybe if our worlds collide
Maybe on the dark side we can be together, be together
Maybe in a million miles, on the highway through the skies
Someday soon we'll be together
We'll be together, we'll be together
We'll be together, we'll be together
We'll be together, we'll be together
We'll be together, we'll be together
Maybe if the stars align, maybe if our worlds collide
Maybe on the dark side we can be together, be together
Maybe in a million miles, on the highway through the skies
Someday soon we'll be together
Maybe if the stars align, maybe if our worlds collide
Maybe on the dark side we can be together, be together
Maybe in a million miles, on the highway through the skies
Someday soon we'll be together
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Lirik Lagu Be Together - Major Lazer Feat Wild Belle
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