Touch The Sky Lyrics - Avril Lavigne
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I used to carry this big old world
On my shoulders and back
I used to lie inside my room
Wondering where I'm at
I felt a chill running through my veins
And wondered, would I be saved?
I felt the ice building in my soul
Would it melt away?
He's a warm breeze
Breathing life into me
He's the sunlight
Shining down on me
I used to worry my life away
Counting every dime
Shutting out the ones I loved
Never finding the time
And then one day I was overcome
By loneliness and dispair
And deep inside I thought I heard
"Lean on me, I'm here"
He's a warm breeze
Breathing life into me
He's the sunlight
Shining down on me
I pulled the burden from off my back
And tossed it into the wind
And stretched my arms toward the sky
And let my life begin
And like a tree, I have measured up
Best when I've been cut down
And like a tree, I can touch the sky
With my feet on the ground
He's a warm breeze
Breathing life into me
He's the sunlight
Shining down on me
He's a warm breeze
Breathing life into me
He's the sunlight
Shining down on me, yeah
Shining down on me
Shining down, shining down
Shining down on me.
On my shoulders and back
I used to lie inside my room
Wondering where I'm at
I felt a chill running through my veins
And wondered, would I be saved?
I felt the ice building in my soul
Would it melt away?
He's a warm breeze
Breathing life into me
He's the sunlight
Shining down on me
I used to worry my life away
Counting every dime
Shutting out the ones I loved
Never finding the time
And then one day I was overcome
By loneliness and dispair
And deep inside I thought I heard
"Lean on me, I'm here"
He's a warm breeze
Breathing life into me
He's the sunlight
Shining down on me
I pulled the burden from off my back
And tossed it into the wind
And stretched my arms toward the sky
And let my life begin
And like a tree, I have measured up
Best when I've been cut down
And like a tree, I can touch the sky
With my feet on the ground
He's a warm breeze
Breathing life into me
He's the sunlight
Shining down on me
He's a warm breeze
Breathing life into me
He's the sunlight
Shining down on me, yeah
Shining down on me
Shining down, shining down
Shining down on me.
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Touch The Sky Lyrics - Avril Lavigne
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Tag : Avril Lavigne, Lirik Lagu Barat,