Lirik Lagu You Were Mine - Avril Lavigne
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I can't find a reason to let go
Even though you've found a new love
And she's what your dreams are made of
I can find a reason to hang on
What went wrong can be forgiven
Without you it ain't worth livin' alone
Sometimes I wake up crying at night
And sometimes I scream out your name
What right does she have to take your heart away
When for so long you were mine
I took out all the pictures of our wedding day
It was a time of love and laughter
Happy ever after
But even those old pictures have begun to fade
Please tell me she's not real
And that you're really coming home to stay
Sometimes I wake up crying at night
And sometimes I scream out your name
What right does she have to take your heart away
When for so long you were mine
I can give you two good reasons
To show you love's not blind
He's two and she's four and you know they adore you
So how can I tell them you've changed your mind
Sometimes I wake up crying at night
And sometimes I scream out your name
What right does she have to take your heart away
When for so long you were mine
I remember when you were mine.
Even though you've found a new love
And she's what your dreams are made of
I can find a reason to hang on
What went wrong can be forgiven
Without you it ain't worth livin' alone
Sometimes I wake up crying at night
And sometimes I scream out your name
What right does she have to take your heart away
When for so long you were mine
I took out all the pictures of our wedding day
It was a time of love and laughter
Happy ever after
But even those old pictures have begun to fade
Please tell me she's not real
And that you're really coming home to stay
Sometimes I wake up crying at night
And sometimes I scream out your name
What right does she have to take your heart away
When for so long you were mine
I can give you two good reasons
To show you love's not blind
He's two and she's four and you know they adore you
So how can I tell them you've changed your mind
Sometimes I wake up crying at night
And sometimes I scream out your name
What right does she have to take your heart away
When for so long you were mine
I remember when you were mine.
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Lirik Lagu You Were Mine - Avril Lavigne
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Tag : Avril Lavigne, Lirik Lagu Barat,