Song Lyric Robbie Williams Starstruck
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You laugh at us we're different
And we laugh 'cause
You're all the same
By the look on your face baby
We've been enjoying ourselves again.
I know that you cry
I know why you try so hard.
Ready steady go,
Everybody famous
Everyone you know,
Why'd it take you ages.
I don't have to listen
Read love like you
I've got no problem with
The physical minimal real life
Living in histerica for everybody's betterment
Isn't it a miracle, everybody's starstruck.
I guess the odds are very good
But the goods are very odd
And even though I talk with the Devil
I only made the deal with God.
I am alarmist
Knock one off the wrist, so hard.
Ready steady go,
Everybody famous
Everyone you know,
Why'd it take you ages.
I don't have to listen
Read love like you
I've got no problem with
The physical minimal real life
Living in histerica for everybody's betterment
Isn't it a miracle, everybody's starstruck.
You want me to stop,
But you can't, can you?
I was lovely on the way up,
On the way up.
Ready steady go,
Everybody famous
Everyone you know,
Why'd it take you ages.
I don't have to listen
Read love like you
I've got no problem with
The physical minimal real life
Living in histerica for everybody's betterment
Isn't it a miracle, everybody's starstruck.
Ready steady go...
I don't have to listen
Read love like you
I've got no problem with
The physical minimal real life
Living in histerica for everybody's betterment
Isn't it a miracle, everybody's starstruck.
Ready steady go.
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Song Lyric Robbie Williams Starstruck
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Tag : Lirik Lagu Barat, Robbie Williams,