Lyrics song Sevyn Streeter Don't Kill The Fun (feat. Chris Brown)
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Baby don't kill, the fun (I won't)
This ain't love until we say it's done (alright)
It's your life, go ahead, do what you choose
Put me in your, your favorite mood
Oh baby, don't kill the vibe
Turn it down we gotta let it ride
I found you, crowned you, I turned you on
So you know, I got, what you want
Cause anyone can take it with you when you go
It's only right to make it beautiful
Lets be undeniable (don't kill the fun)
If you wanna live it better, live it
Make tonight unforgettable (don't kill the fun)
And we won't stop rockin' till they call the cops
Don't kill the fun (I can't)
Don't kill the fun (I won't)
Let's be undeniable
And we won't stop rockin' till they call the cops
Oh baby (don't kill the fun)
We can only chase it if we run
Body to body, it's all for free
Now come get this l-o-v-e
Cause anyone can take it with you when you go
It's only right to make it beautiful
Lets be undeniable (don't kill the fun)
If you wanna live it better, live it
Make tonight unforgettable (don't kill the fun)
And we won't stop rockin' till they call the cops
Don't kill the fun (I can't)
Don't kill the fun (I won't)
Let's be undeniable
And we won't stop rockin' till they call the cops
Lay down, no over thinking
Get it though, this picture we painting
Till 3 in the mornin', 3 in the mornin'
All night we on
We make the party come to life
Life, don't kill the fun
Me and you
Cause any one can take it with you when you go
It's only right to make it beautiful
Lets be undeniable (don't kill the fun)
If you wanna live it better, live it
Make tonight unforgettable (don't kill the fun)
And we won't stop rockin' till they call the cops
Don't kill the fun (I can't)
Don't kill the fun (I won't)
Let's be undeniable
And we won't stop rockin' till they call the cops
I can't, I won't
I can't, I won't
(Call the cops)
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Lyrics song Sevyn Streeter Don't Kill The Fun (feat. Chris Brown)
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Tag : Chris Brown, Lirik Lagu Barat, Sevyn Streeter,