Lyric Song Chris Brown Froze
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[Verse 1:]
I've lost my temperature
Where've all my sunny days gone
Is there any place to stay warm
It's not easy when your gone
Tell me how I'm s'pose to go on
Right now I don't be strong
With the rain
Comes more pain
U never know (damn the weather)
Hard to hide
When I cry
This pain inside (ain't ge'n better)
Body shakes
I feel so numb (nuuumb)
I'm shiverin
Why did you go
My body is froze
Every part of me cold
My hearts achin
And I can't breathe
Souls breakin
Minus 31 degreese
Nowhere else to go
[Verse 2:]
My heart stuggles to beat yeah
I need a life line
And I would rather die
Before I, start to freeze yeah
Live my life in fear, no way
With the rain
Comes more pain
U never know (damn the weather)
Hard to hide
When I cry
This pain inside (ain't ge'n better)
Body shakes
I feel so numb (nuuumb)
I'm shiverin
Why did you go
My body is froze
Every part of me cold
My hearts achin
And I can't breathe
Souls breakin
Minus 31 degreese
Nowhere else to go
I am so cold
My body's frozen
I am so cold
Froze (my body is froze)
My body is froze
Every part of me cold
My hearts achin
And I can't breathe
Souls breakin
Minus 31 degreese
Nowhere else to go
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Lyric Song Chris Brown Froze
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Tag : Chris Brown, Lirik Lagu Barat,