Lirik lagu When I'm Gone - Joey and Rory dan Terjemahannya
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A bright sunrise will contradict the heavy fault that weighs you down
In spite of all the funeral songs
The birds will make their joyful sounds
You wonder why the earth still moves
You wonder how youll carry on
But you'll be okay on that first day when I'm gone
Dusk will come with fireflies and whippoorwill and crickets call
And every star will take its place
nd silvery gown and purple shawl
You'll lie down in our big bed
Dread the dark and dread the dawn
But you'll be alright on that first night when I'm gone
You will reach for me in vain.
You'll be whispering my name
As if sorrow were your friend
And this world so alien
But life will call with daffodil
And morning glorious blue skies
You'll think of me some memory
And softly smile to your surprise
And even though you love me still
You will know where you belong
Just give it time we'll both be fine
When I'm gone.
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Tag : Joey and Rory, POP,