Lirik Lagu Taylor Swift - Busted
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Well, I saw the things you were doing at the VMAs
And when I got that video award, you took the mic away
Now, I'll try to call security with every step I take
And nothing will even stop with all the music that I ever make
Don't think you're gonna win this time
'Cause you better believe that you're not what you do
I'll get ya! (yeah)
I'll get ya! (yeah)
And when I do, Kanye you'll be busted
I don't wanna be mean to you
But you better believe me when I tell you that
You are never what you do
You're busted. (Busted!)
Yeah, everybody makes mistakes
But, this is how it's gonna be until you apologize on the VMAs
You're busted!
And when I got that video award, you took the mic away
Now, I'll try to call security with every step I take
And nothing will even stop with all the music that I ever make
Don't think you're gonna win this time
'Cause you better believe that you're not what you do
I'll get ya! (yeah)
I'll get ya! (yeah)
And when I do, Kanye you'll be busted
I don't wanna be mean to you
But you better believe me when I tell you that
You are never what you do
You're busted. (Busted!)
Yeah, everybody makes mistakes
But, this is how it's gonna be until you apologize on the VMAs
You're busted!
POSLIRIKLAGU.COM Lirik Lagu Taylor Swift - Busted
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Tag : Lirik Lagu Barat, POP, TAYLOR SWIFT,